What are the social costs of homelessness?
- Increase in crime
- Increase in substance abuse
- Increase in support costs to:
- Social agencies
- Police
- Emergency response units
- Increase in mental health issues
- Increase in domestic violence
- Increase in family breakup
- Lack of access to needed social programs
What issues are addressed through an affordable housing program?
(see Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness Website)
With adequate housing there is a significant reduction in the use of public support services:
The gap between low-income and high-income residents is greater in York Region than anywhere else in Ontario.
Some factors causing this disturbing trend:
- Changing economic conditions
- Demographic factors – recent immigrants, lone parent families and people living alone
- Government policy – income and employment programs
- Increase in lower paying service related jobs, part time employment
- Growth of part time and contract employment versus permanent full time employment
- Loss of company benefits and pension plans
- Growing number of retirees with inadequate income
Additional Web Resources
Baby Boomers and Seniors in York Region
Making Ends Meet in York Region
Aging in Place in Social Housing